We will help you win more work through tenders
We take a different approach to traditional bid writers. We're not just bid writers.
We have helped companies to win more than $10 billion in work through the tender box.
Here are a few of our points of difference:
We understand your client and their objectives
We help you understand and emphasise your points of difference: getting an external view on what makes your organisation stand out can be a major asset at tender time
Pre-bid positioning: 90% of your work should be in this space. We help you every step of the way
We help you to create a plan of attack ahead of each bid: we help your question and evaluate each bid
We develop your message: working with you and your team, we bring your points of difference to life
Providing evidence and examples that demonstrate and prove your value: We work with you to get processes in place to source and save tangible examples of how your business has exceeded expectations on projects
We connect the dots: between your statements, your evidence and what your client needs, like no one else can.
We work to generate tangible value through the Clarity approach. And we are achieving results around the clock.